Our Vision and Values
At Summit Springs Church, our greatest desire is to know Christ and be conformed to His image by the power of the Holy Spirit through learning and living God’s Word, offering meaningful worship, and being a family where friendship and fellowship promotes healthy spiritual growth.
If you have the opportunity to get to know the members of Summit Springs, you will discover amazing stories of what God has done in so many lives – testimonies of how God’s redemptive love has brought new life, physical and emotional healing, and beauty and blessings from ashes. God is really good at taking us just as we are and making us “a new creation in Christ.” (II Corinthians 5:17)
At Summit Springs Church there are opportunities for you to grow in your walk with Christ through Bible study and fellowship groups and using your gifts in service to the Lord.
We are a Spirit-filled, non-denominational church affiliated with the Midwest Ministers’ Fellowship. www.MMFellowship.org
We are a mission-minded church supporting both local and foreign mission projects.
Summit Springs Church is lead by a Council of Elders from our local church who provide accountability and assist the pastoral staff in all areas of church oversight. In Biblical church eldership, as described in I Timothy 3, elders are responsible for establishing doctrine and church policies and provide care for the church family.