A cross with the word " we " written in it.

Our Story:

The Road We Have Traveled

Summit Springs Church was launched in September 2016, with a dedicated group of Christian friends under the leadership of Pastor Tom Manz desiring to plant a Bible-teaching, Spirit-filled church in eastern Jackson County.  For three and a half years we met on Sundays at the Lone Summit Ranch Event Center in southeast Lee’s Summit and held youth meetings and Life Groups at members’ homes.

In the summer of 2019, our church was at a crossroads knowing from the Lord that change was coming.  That change came in a way that could only be God as we were able to sign a lease in December 2019, for a great location in the Southridge Shopping Center in the heart of Blue Springs.  Construction began to finish the interior and we were able to move into our new facility in March 2020.

To accommodate our growing congregation, in October, 2024, we began the process of expanding our facility with the vacant building space next to us adding additional sanctuary space and a multi-purpose area with a kitchenette, restroom and storage area. We also brought to our leadership team Associate Pastor Zach Van Buren and his wife, Brandi, who have been a wonderful addition to our church family. Pastor Zach also leads our youth ministry and team-teaches with Pastor Tom.


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Feb 2025


We look forward to the opportunities before us! One thing we know for sure, Summit Springs Church will continue to be devoted to teaching the truths of God's word, providing a worship experience that brings us closer to God, and continue to be a place where people can find Jesus as Savior and Lord and grow in their relationship with Him and other believers. It's a joy to see lives changed and impacted for the glory of God!

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